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I Need Tips on Tele-Seminars URGENT!Views: 412
Jun 27, 2006 4:02 pm re: I Need Tips on Tele-Seminars URGENT!

Grace Judson
Teleseminars are a great way to reach people and give them a "taste" of who you are and how you work.

Most teleclasses are 55 minutes long (which theoretically at least gives people five minutes between meetings!), though they can be any length you want.

You definitely want to encourage interaction with your audience; one of the worst teleclass-leading sins, in my book anyway, is the tendency to be a "talking head." In fact, in order to get as much interaction as possible, you will usually find that teleclasses typically cover slightly LESS content than an in-person live class of the same length.

Definitely leave time for questions and answers!

Many teleclasses are offered free; many aren't. The answer to "how much do you charge" really depends on a whole host of variables, all of which you want to consider as you plan your teleclass.

1. How long is the class?
2. Is it one session, or a series of sessions over several days, weeks, or months?
3. What is your primary goal in offering the class? Is it a marketing effort for something else, is it one of your primary offerings, or ...?
4. What do you want people to do after attending your class? Go away and use the material you offered? Sign up for another product or service? Answer a survey about the class's value? There are many other possibilities!

That's just a few of the things you'll want to consider when deciding class length, your class leadership style, and the amount to charge.

I totally agree with FreeConference.com being the best service. Meanwhile, recording the call can be astonishingly simple. I use Audacity as the recording and sound mixing software; it's more than sophisticated enough for my purposes, and it's FREE! (Google "Audacity" and you can find the download site.) Then I use a little earbud microphone from Olympus, their TP7 microphone; this plugs into the computer (or into my little digital recorder if I'm not by my computer) and then fits into my ear; when I put my headset on, presto, I can record. The TP7 microphone retails for $17.99, I believe (I found mine on closeout sale for about half that!).

One caveat: be careful what recording fidelity you pick on Audacity. The first conference I recorded at the highest fidelity, and had a MONSTER MP3 on my hands!

That's just one option for recording; there are many others.

Coachville.com offers teleclass leading training by Alicia Smith (http://www.aliciasmith.com), who is THE best teleclass leader I have ever experienced (speaking as a teleclass junkie here!). Whether you go with her or someone else, it is well worth getting some kind of training because there are some definite differences between doing traditional training and leading a teleclass.

I think that covers most of my thoughts. If you have any question, feel free to send me a private message!

Check out my free interview series, "Secrets of the Woman Next Door: stories of ordinary women living extraordinary lives" at http://www.svahaconcepts.com/secrets. It's done via teleconference!

Private Reply to Grace Judson (new win)

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