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I Need Tips on Tele-Seminars URGENT!Views: 391
Jun 27, 2006 5:12 pm re: I Need Tips on Tele-Seminars URGENT!

Julie Jordan Scott
Dear Nancy,

I have been teaching teleseminars for the past six years - and my participants enjoyed my method of leading so much, they convinced me to teach a course which I call, in short hand, my "Teleseminar How To."

Knowing all that I know, I will put my response in as succinct a form as possible:

Do you offer Tele-Seminars? What's your experience?

I adore leading Teleseminars. They are the primary method I use to conduct business. I also know there are times when I have fallen asleep in teleseminars.. they have been that bad (just like I have fallen asleep during some "motivational" speeches!)

When's the best time to schedule the teleseminars?

I always tell people to schedule your teleseminars when YOU are at your best. YOU - as in the leader. Many people have the opinion night time is the only time. Only I know as an entrepreneurial mom, night time is NOT the right time... so I lead my programs primarily during the day... and it works!

What length should they be?

I have taught classes in all different formats. Some of my classes have 15 minutes of "content time" which includes applications and sharing. The most common is an hour long phone call with 5 minutes of gathering time and five minutes at the end to complete the call.

Again, I don't like being on the phone for more than an hour - for me, that is when the law of diminishing returns kicks in... so I don't like to keep people longer than an hour.

Do you allow time for Q & A?

I have Q and A throughout the call, and then offer it up at other times as well. I also offer notes of the call, and if there is a question I don't have the answer to, I will do a little bit of research (google is my friend!) and send some answers to those questions I didn't get to as well. There are other times when the questions are tangential or I don't know if they will be of service, so I tell the questioner I will include a response in the follow up notes. That way everyone is honored.

By the way, if there was no intereaction, why not just record an MP3 for folks to download? One of the great things about teleclasses is that the content isn't stagnant - it changes according to the needs and desires of the participant. In my estimation, this is part of what makes an awesome teleseminar leader.

How much do you charge?

I have freebies and then I have classes anywhere from $19 to $249. Just depends on the subject matter and what my goal is with that program.

What's the best conference system to use?

I use Eagle Teleconferencing Services. I notice folks recommend Free Conference, I have heard good things about them. I appreciate Eagle's Services and consider them business partners, so I gladly pay their fee.

How much does it cost to record them?

I use audio acrobat, I can record as much as I want for a flat monthly fee. Love the service.

Do you have tips for me?

I have oooodles of tips. I'll find one article to post here for you, and if you want more, let me know.

Here is one that has the basics.. reasons to get started.

Top 7 Reasons to Host Teleseminars and Teleclasses
© 2004
Julie Jordan Scott

Entrepreneurs, Authors, Coaches, Trainers and all
sorts of experts the world-over are quickly learning the value of incorporating Teleseminars and Teleclasses as a method to reach – and have a positive impact upon - current and prospective clients. You can increase your effectiveness – and your bottom line – immediately by utilizing this format for the delivery of information.

1. Reach a worldwide audience with your message instantly. Stretch beyond where you can fly, drive, or take the train on a moment’s notice.
2. Perfect your public speaking skills from your home office (or current workspace). No need to invest in new clothes, no need to go anywhere.
3. Be seen as an expert and increase your name recognition. Participants in teleseminars and teleclasses have a tendency to be action oriented, interested and change-making people – excellent word-of-mouth-spreaders.
4. Test the market-place to see if a particular subject matter would be of interest with minimal time, financial and energetic investment.
5. Create another income stream without creating any new content: instead, simply recycle previously written material delivered here in a new format.
6. Discover a new way to engage audiences – in live formats you may use props and different visual aids. In Teleseminars and Teleclasses, you will find ways to use your voice (and listening skills with the participants) in ways you never imagined were possible.
7. Finally – simply have a blast doing what you love the most: teaching and speaking about an area of expertise – and helping others along the way. What could be better than that?

I am working on a "Top Teleseminar Leader Mistakes" article, you have inspired me to do exactly that.... the ones that I hear most often include:

1. Being a talking head. Like I said earlier, if you
are going to get on the line and just talk talk talk
delivering information, why not record a downloadable MP3
rather than keep people on the telephone line?

2. Being disorganized and allowing one overbearing participant to "hi-jack" the class. Be prepared to kindly steer the class in the direction that will serve your audience. One of my favorite techniques is to thank the "overbearing participant" and ask for them to email me more information that I will share with the rest.

3. Not having any time for any interaction at all. The training I received teach this rule of thumb: 20 minutes of solid, content delivery with the other 30 minutes being facilitated discussion, exercises, group experience (coaching, etc.) The Talking head thing gets really old, believe me.

4. Too much noise on the line. Request people mute themselves and then have a way to mute the line for teaching time. Which reminds me...

5. Plan B... and C... and D... have these ready to pull out of your back pocket OR... be prepared to improv. Some of my best content actually came from choosing plan B in the moment, without preparation. There is reason you are leading classes - because you are an expert. Otherwise people wouldn't be clamoring to you asking for teleseminars.

I have a bunch of articles you can read on my Teleseminar Blog... and you can listen to some classes plus there are tips articles, too... lotsa goodies.... http://juliejordanscott.typepad.com/about_lifechanging_telese/

I'd be glad to "talk" further, just let me know.

With Gratitude,

Julie Jordan Scott
+ = + = + = + = + = +
Learn the Method Behind the Teleseminar Magic...

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