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Choosing a commercial/corporate photographerViews: 357
Jul 28, 2006 5:21 pm Choosing a commercial/corporate photographer

Gary Stewart
Hello all,

Just a few hints for you if you want to get some good images for your company;

1. Quality is more important than quantity. Just because he/she shoots 200 images (usually just to impress you) doesn't mean you'll get a good image.
2. Image quality is more important than the fact that he has $10,000 invested in one camera. I can probably take a better picture with a point & shoot than many amateurs can with top notch gear.
3. Ask for sample images of previous work.
4. Find out his/her work style. You may be hands on he may want to work in seclusion.
5. You pay for the image as opposed to paying for time (usually). Would you rather get ho-hum, looks like every other image out there for $75, or an exceptional, one of a kind photograph for $500?
6. Remember, you can pay the photographer $10, 000, but he/she owns the copyright to the image.
7. There are usage fees involved when images are used for mass didtribution. Example, brochures, magazine ads, business cards, etc. We are talking miniscule amounts here, but extra fees none the less.

There you go, a few things you should know. Of course, I am talking about professional photographers here, not the cool nephew with a camera (unless he's fantastic). Remember, you get what you pay for...99.99% of the time.


Private Reply to Gary Stewart (new win)

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