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A Spam, A Scam or Legit?Views: 312
Aug 24, 2006 5:06 pm re: re: re: A Spam, A Scam or Legit?

Paul Strauss
Actually, the best thing we can do to prevent SPAM is make it more costly to send SPAM. (I'm going off into the philosophical now, so if you're not an abstract / conceptual thinker just tune out to avoid frustration now)

The basic concept that we've gotten away from is that of individual soveriegnty. It begins with the question of "Who owns me?". There is a correct answer to that question and it is ME. I own me.

My ownership of me necessarily includes access to me. Picture if you will a property-- your own home, or even your apartment because if you're paying rent you are buying the certain rights to that property and within bounds you effective own or control that space.

Now let's bounce out to another concept-- the concept of fees and fines. Ideas like the CAN SPAM Act, etc. The need for these is irrelevant when we embrace the idea of the soveriegn individual.

Freedom of speech is irrelevant to this concept, too because while you have a right to free POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS speech you a) Do not have a right to commercial speech, and you b) Do not have a right to be heard, or listened to. You just can't be PUNISHED for saying it.

So very simply-- it's been correctly stated that SPAM is there because it's profitable. IF I own me, including all access to me-- you'd have to pay for the right to contact me and you'd think twice.

The practical means of setting this up is simpler than it's ever been. Conceptually, I'd be my own gated community-- if you attempted to access me you'd be STOPPED electronic gate keeper. You would then have to place a bid for access. Depending on what you pay you'd either be granted or denied access. It's all very simple when you ***THINK*** about it. Nobody should own you but YOU, and nobody has the right to intrude on your property, or access YOU unless you've FIRST granted permission-- not the government, not commercial interests, nobody.

This is the concept our country was founded on. If we could get back to that we'd know that government didn't bring you into existence, so government has no rights over you. Government has no authority over you that you do not grant.

Private Reply to Paul Strauss (new win)

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