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Talk Radio Hosting Advice?Views: 295
Sep 07, 2006 3:42 am re: re: Talk Radio Hosting Advice?

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


What you want to do is grow an audience and at the same time save money in the process. The solution, in my opinion, is not Internet radio. It is not wsRadio. The solution is Talkshoe.com. Why? Because it gives you multiple venues of exposure...for FREE. In fact, if you host a program on a recurring basis, Talkshoe.com will actually compensate for hosting the program. How is that possible? Google advertising for one thing. For another, there will soon be audio ads on the site as well.

Talkshoe gives options to its listeners, too. They can simply listen to programs that have previously been recorded. Or, they can listen "live." Or, they can listen "live" and participate.

This Friday, you and Ryzers around the world have an amazing opportunity. Talkshoe staff members will be guests on my teleconference. (Talkshoe calls them "talkcasts.") It will take place at 5 p.m. Pacific Time. I invite you to come and learn what Talkshoe has to offer from those who know it best. Just visit the website and do a search for my talkcast - "Power Networking."

Lamar Morgan
Power Networking
Attract more customers!

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901 (new win)

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