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Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....Views: 293
Nov 16, 2006 4:47 pm Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....

Brenda Wagner
These are just my thoughts on marketing online. The more ads I see from my safelists and traffic exchanges, the more I scratch my head. It sometimes seems like everyone is just chasing each others tails. For 4 years I was a tail chaser too. Until now...

I changed the way I market when I realized who's ads I would open and the question I had everytime. That question was always, "what's in it for me?" The other questions I had was, who IS this person, have they been around long, and has their company been around long. If the answers contained no's or I don't know, I would move on to the next ad (mind you, only ads that had a subject line that stood out to me, that maybe answered my question-"what's in it for me").

I believe in getting to know people if you are marketing onine. I believe in giving people something of huge value that they could use for any of their businesses (online or brick and mortar) in exchange for helping me in my business. Marketing IS A PEOPLE BUSINESS and those who refuse to acknowlege this will never make it.

To see an example of this, you can go to this page and see what I did:

If you browse my personal site, you will also see little tidbits unrelated to "business", some personal stuff so people can get to know me. I happen to be a musician and have a lot of musician friends-I put some music pages there. I write little marketing musings in my own words on the page called Marketing Do's and Don't, it's not even really a sales page, just some advice.

To sum this up, always remember these things:
Get to know people, rub elbows with the successful ones too!
Give them something of real value in return for helping you!
Always answer peoples questions they may have!
Don't be afraid to tell a little bit about yourself unrelated to business, you may find business friends who have a LOT in common with you.

Let me know what you think!

Warmest Wishes,
Brenda Wagner
Founder, Operation ACT

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