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Un-Marketing [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....Views: 289
Nov 23, 2006 8:19 pm re: Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....

Andrew Barnes

Woh! Woh! Woh!

Please. People. Can we be clear about what we are discussing.,/p>

Nor is it exclusively Advertising.

To start from the top -

Brenda -
"from my safelists and traffic exchanges"
There is a reason some email service providers ban safelists. Because they are a waste of bandwidth.
Do you actually read all the messages you get via these safelists?
Neither do they. So why waste your time sending your messages through them?

Traffic Exchanges are a little different, and yes, I do use a couple.
However. I sell services and products relevant to the newbie internet marketer. Trying to sell anything else throught this means, means a waste of your time and/or money.


Yes. Absolutely.
"marketing is about people, not products". (Williams K.C. 1981 Behavioural Aspects of Marketing).

But then Kurt, you go on to describe considerations in the SELLING process, not the marketing process. The two are very distinct.

You go on to ask "If you are selling YOU".
She may not be 'selling' her good self, but she is absolutely marketing her good self.
That is what marketing is.

When brand A promote themselves as a superior choice compared to brand B, they are not promoting their product (whether toilet tissue, Lamar, or baked beans) but they are promoting, advertising, selling - MARKETING their brand. Not the product.
When your brand is yourself, like in Brenda's case, then you are selling yourself. It is this, and this alone, that will distinguish you in your prospects eyes.
Unless you have a worldwide patent on an original invention, or intellectual property, you can not be unique on product alone.

How you present the product/service. How you offer customer support. Pricing. These are the province of marketing.

How you go out and actually get someone to sign on the line. That is selling.

To use Lamnars example of 'squeeze the charmin' (we still have animated commercials here in the UK on the same theme from them). This is marketing.
The company that makes 'charmin' (Andrex, I believe, may be wrong) don't sell them. Their marketing agency 'MARKETS' them. The supermarkets sell them.

Andrew E. Barnes.
Internet Marketing Consultant
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