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Un-Marketing [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....Views: 304
Jan 02, 2007 5:30 pm re: re: Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....

Steven Diebold
I would agree its not about me its about YOUR problems and how I can solve them for you. The most difficult thing in marketing is knowing your ROT. Return on TIME.

Do you build relationships, sell directly, post in forums, talk on the phone, write articles, network, create ezines, direct mail, etc... I think if one just gets consistent and masters a few of these things it will increase their lead generation if the message and target are approached correctly.

There are many vehicles but the lead generation message must be solid or it goes in the trash. If you're terrible on the phone with cold calling you will fail at that too. Marketing activities are important but we must have a BRAND STRATEGY to orchestrate all those activities around. When people talk about brands I think that TERM alone brings confusion because there is no STANDARD definition for it in the human vocabulary.

If I were to say what is someone's brand I bet most couldn't answer it very clearly in a few words or a couple sentences. That's because people are complex beings and to communicate what you're about and why I should care takes great thought and discipline to do.

The terminology is the problem. If someone says tell me about your friend, you could explain some key characteristics about your friend but it would be mainly personality or what they do or things that stick out for you about them. Is that their brand? I'm not so sure. It depends on the context of my relationship with you and why you're telling me about your friend. What is the basis of the relationship I have with you? Are you a trusted business collegue that is telling me this info because you used this friend to do some work for you and it was outstanding? Or is this just a casual conversation about this friend of yours? The context and basis of relationship determines the information I will need to hear.

Your brand only matters to me if it solves my problem. If I have a friendship problem and need more friends then I would like to hear about this charming person I should get to know. . In laymens terms... Unless I'm thinking of becoming friends with your friend or inviting him over I will want to know certain criteria based on the basis of the relationship I'm evaluating them on in relationship to my life or endeavors.

As a consumer or business person I have certain problems I need addressed and I am always scanning the environment for the means to solve those problems either efficiently, effectively, or economically cost effective or all 3.
Your brand becomes more relevant to me if I think you solve my problems. If I have relational needs then I want to know about their personality or character or other attributes that make a great friend, if its for business context and I need a strong brand to solve my business growth issues then I will want to know how they solve my problem, the proof they can, who else they solved it for, their results, then I want to know the personality and what they are like to work with, their character, integrity and so on.

So at the end of the day the basis of the relationship or context determines the brand that gets communicated. Either way the brand only matters to me if it solves my problems or needs.

So what is your brand? can you sum of your business brand, your friendship brand, your marriage brand,, your dating brand, your parent brand into a sentence that another could quickly grasp and say "I get it, you're like BLANK, I would trust you with watching my kids..."

All these are brand relationships or roles that convey different characteristics that are important depending on the basis of the relationship.

Happy brand building...

Branding Alchemist


Private Reply to Steven Diebold (new win)

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