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Your most profitable marketing efforts?Views: 276
Mar 13, 2007 9:56 pm re: Betty: Your most profitable marketing efforts?

Angelo Cerase
Biana hit the nail on the head with her first sentence.

Once you determine who your target market is, or who your ideal client is, then you've narrowed down your marketing plan considerably.

If I determine that my ideal clients are hermits who live in caves and are technophobes, then creating a Myspace page, and sponsoring video game tournaments would be a waste of time.

Likewise, if I determine my target market consists of 18-24 year olds, then advertising in the local paper would be an expensive waste of time as well.

I used to work with an older agent who used to be in the office from 7:30am to noon, and then spent his afternoons at various country clubs. Why? His target market were afluent over 50-year-olds. He used to joke that he met most of his clients in the sauna, of all places.

Sounds silly? Sure, but that's what caused his success. By narrowing his focus to his target market he has been ranked in the top 5% of all insurance agents in the world for the past 30 years.

Betty, if your target market is mothers with children aged 2-12 for your "My Country Kitchen", then find out what those mothers like, and where to find them. Perhaps even narrowing your focus even more, like afluent mothers or stay-at-home moms, etc etc.

Find out if many of them use Ryze. If they do, then post on numerous message boards by adding to the conversations and NOT by blatant advertising. Perhaps many read Martha Stewart Living magazine, or something similar. Perhaps finding a Martha Stewart-like magazine and contributing articles to it. Or even better, find a parenting magazine and contribute articles to that.

For example, the Whirlpool washing machine company publishes a podcast called the American Family, all about family stuff, etc etc, nothing about washing machines. It gets the Whirlpool name in family's heads, so when it comes time to replace the washer, Whirlpool is the name they trust. Same thing that Cheerios does with a podcast full of tips for raising children.

Determine your target market. Narrow it down. Narrow it down some more. Then go where those people are.


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