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Un-Marketing [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....Views: 316
Mar 22, 2007 3:36 pm re: Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....

Tamara Morahan
Hi everyone, been a while since I've posted, but I've been busy.

I don't think it's just the list you build, or the words you write that attract, retain, and ideally build relationships, it's also how you present yourself.

We had interesting results this week when we launched a campaign entitled missing... we landed an appointment with one of Canada's largest advertising firms.

We started applying for jobs (in the IT and Marketing sections) on all the major job sites using this link. http://www.b-e-communications.com/TamaraMorahanResume.html. We also began spamming the marketing industry using emails addresses found on the CMA website.

The idea behind this is two fold:

1. Demonstrate the capabilities/uses of the video/website concept. In this case an on-line job resume.

2. Promote our combined efforts and the “Personal Marketing” concept to the business market at large.

Job postings on these sites are done either by a placement agency or by the company itself. In both cases it presents us an opportunity to sell our B-line products to the people who could benefit the most from them. For example: Head Hunting shops would benefit if they employed the B-Line system to house video resumes of their top candidates to potential clients. It establishes a meet and greet before the interview process. This cuts costs, increases productivity, and closes the gap between interest, and sale… just like we said in our videos.

This being the case we have re-vamped the b-line site (http://www.b-e-communications.com/B-line/index.html) to illustrate both the NTS System and the implementation of Blogs/vlogs/infoblog as marketing tools. We have scaled all the products into 3 simply sized packages. (Small/Medium/Large).

Secondly we have hammered out the advertising models for PHYTE (http://www.b-e-communications.com/advertisingmodel.html) and hope to demonstrate the unique opportunities that it presents for advertisers of all sizes, again presenting the opportunities in three simple sizes (Small/Medium/Large). Our model, which is the most unique and unobtrusive ad model I have yet seen on the internet, also employs the same principal (Personal Marketing) as a basis.

All of this while applying for jobs in a unique and eye catching way...


Well, if you’re looking for a position in a company, be it a job or as a supplier, you first present your credentials (in this case the resume), secondly you present your capabilities (in this case the b-line products/advertising opportunities), and thirdly you present what benefits you/your products would bring to the company. This tool, as well as the campaign itself, does all of the above in one swift stroke. Not only does it demonstrate the power of our concept, but it also presents our services, and the tools to do this for their companies.

Private Reply to Tamara Morahan (new win)

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