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Is this Print Ad Effective?Views: 1210
Aug 16, 2005 5:37 pmIs this Print Ad Effective?#

Laurie Vien

I'm placing my first print ad in a national magazine this week.  This is what we've come up with.  Is it effective?  Any comments/feedback, please?  Its purpose, of course, is to get people to my website to buy a collar. (This is a clickable thumbnail; click it to see a slightly larger, actual-size version.)





Private Reply to Laurie Vien

Aug 16, 2005 7:10 pmre: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

Heather Thompson
I think it's very cute and well done! Appears professional and eye-catching! Best of luck!


Private Reply to Heather Thompson

Aug 16, 2005 7:15 pmre: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

Laura Ruiz
What's the actual print size (dimensions)? I think it looks very nice. Have you made sure that the ad you've paid for is a full-color ad and not b&w or 2-color - that sort of thing?


Private Reply to Laura Ruiz

Aug 16, 2005 7:22 pmre: re: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

>> Barry Caplan - Start Your Future Today
Have you contacted other advertisers in the section you are buying to see if their ads are effective?

right now based on the ad, I think the only effectiveness you might see is some web traffic.

If you want that, then fine.

If you want orders, then I would change the "visit:" line to "order yours today:" or something like that.


Always remember that :)



Private Reply to >> Barry Caplan - Start Your Future Today

Aug 17, 2005 2:56 amre: re: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

Dean H.

Actually, the real question I have to ask is why are you going with a print ad in a national magazine? That must be costly. Surely, there must be other ways of promoting your services Laurie as opposed to print ads- which is one of the least effective ways to get attention, IMHO.


Private Reply to Dean H.

Aug 17, 2005 3:21 pmre: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

Scott Stratten
What magazine is it? Where is it being placed?

Private Reply to Scott Stratten

Aug 17, 2005 6:40 pmre: re: re: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

Dean H.

Actually Barry, I'm not sure if she might see some web traffic from a print ad. Well, some, but not alot. The challenge with putting your website address on a print ad is that you shift the burden to the reader and ask them to remember your url and then go to a computer and type it in to learn more. Although, to Laurie's credit, I think it's an easily remembered url.

The real issue is that print ads offer a very low ROI. If you refer to Scott's pyramid on the "hierarchy of buying." Using that model, you can peg and categorize your current marketing plans into one of the six levels that he created for his model. So, based on your current marketing strategy, I would peg your advert into level 2- search through ads.

My advice is to seek out JVs with people who have access to your target audience. Based on the hierarchy of buying model, this can take you to anywhere between level 3-6, the upper echelon of building and attracting customers.

Let us know how the campaign goes. Especially, if get major success and ROI from it.


Private Reply to Dean H.

Aug 18, 2005 3:54 amre: re: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

I think Scott's questions as to what national publication the ad is to run in and where in that publication it is to be shown is extremely important. In placing the ad, are you targeting your market or simply hoping that your target market will find the ad and respond because they think it is cute and connected to a website? Let's be brutally honest. There are a lot of cute ads for pet products and websites to match. Why should someone choose yours?

Click on the link to Scott's pyramid a few posts back. See the category just below the very top. That's the category I believe you should shoot for in marketing your product. And, how do you accomplish such a feat? First, by reaching out to specific people - not the general public. If you are selling dog collars, it just makes sense to communicate specifically with dog owners. But, I would be even more specific than that. If costs you just as much to go after the best of the best as it does the rest of the crowd. Why not do your business a favor and pursue those potential customers who can not only USE the product, but are uniquely positioned to "spread your business message?"

Did you do an "ad test" before you ran the ad in that national publication? If not, please know a small ad test can alert you to an ad's ineffectiveness and prevent you from throwing good money after bad. Remember, when it comes to advertising, there are no guarantees when it comes to results. That is why it helps to test an ad's effectiveness BEFORE using it in a costly campaign.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Aug 18, 2005 5:22 amre: re: re: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

>> Barry Caplan - Start Your Future Today
Dean -

I agree. I didn't want to overanalyze. But I did say (I think) contact the others who have ads like yours in the same section and see if they got what he sales guy promised.

You can read between the lines for what I think the answer wil be.

But also, keep in mind a url is easier to remember then a phone number, and if you get someone to your web site you can then have a marketing and sales conversation with them.



Private Reply to >> Barry Caplan - Start Your Future Today

Aug 18, 2005 3:33 pmre: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

Karri Flatla
Hi Laurie,

I agree that we need to properly profile your Target Market before going too far with our analysis. Can I assume you are targeting a rather "upscale" market? I don't think I can because there may be other markets for your product - many people spend a ton of cash on their pets despite that they may not spend near as much on such novelties for themselves.

If this ad is going to run in a magazine like Vanity Fair, for example, then it is simply too "cute." The colors and shapes are a bit too childish or fairy-tale like as opposed to sophistocated. I'm not feeling the "green" in this one. While the woman is beautiful enough, the dog is a bit Heinz 57 looking. How about something more pure-bred looking (I am not a dog expert so you'll have to give me some leeway on that one!). But again, without knowing the target market, I can't say how appropriate the design of the ad is.

Do let us know a few more details - you've certainly got us all talking!

Karri Flatla, B.Mgt.
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Private Reply to Karri Flatla

Aug 29, 2005 8:38 amre: Is this Print Ad Effective?#

Marilyn Jenett


I believe I addressed this with you awhile back.

I would contact the city magazines and newspapers - get editorial write ups. Also, now is the time that you can get in the gift buying sections for the holidays - the lead time is several months.

I think you might be able to get editorial with less lead time as well but not sure.

I don't know the stats on print ads, but I believe they have to be repeated several times to create recognition - anybody know if that policy still stands?

The ad is cute but too small in my opinion. I wouldn't notice it. You said when you click it goes to one that is a little larger and actual size, right? If so, it's way too small.


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Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

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