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PR novice asking questionsViews: 1224
Aug 31, 2005 4:05 pmPR novice asking questions#

jeff fioravanti
Dear List,

Though I have obtained some interest in the past from my press releases, I always trying to find better ways to make a submission.

Along these lines, I have some quick questions if you would be so kind:

1. when submitting a press release via email, should one include the word (News) or some other alert in the subject line of the email?

2. should the press release be included in the body of the email, or is an MS Word attachment acceptable? I would think a word document might get blasted by spam or anti-virus software. On the opposite, when I've sent them in the body of the email (cutting and pasting from word) no matter if I highlight them as plain text or not, some HTML language seems to be included in the release, making it look unprofessional.

3. what of pitch letters? I've heard that a pitch letter is best, followed by the actual release in a separate document. I have unfortunately not found any reliable guidelines and examples for pitch letters.

I'm on an extremely limited budget and use press releases to help get word out about my fine art business and efforts with historic preservation/conservation.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jeff Fioravanti, CPS, PPSCC, PSA
Painting the Soul of America

Private Reply to jeff fioravanti

Aug 31, 2005 8:05 pmre: PR novice asking questions#

Wendy McClelland
Hi Jeff - press releases are truly ONE of the BEST ways to promote your business.

In answer to your questions:

1. I always include the title of the press release in my email subject line.

2. These days I usually send the whole release in the email (people won't open attachments from unknown sources). To avoid the HTML problems create your release in Notepad instead of Word.

3. I've never used pitch letters - it's just one more thing for a reporter to have to read - and believe me, if you think you're on information overload - reporters have it much worse!

Here's an article I've written about how to write great press releases:


Here's a sample release I used:


And...here's the article that the paper actually wrote as a result of the my original press release (they also included a photo of me):


Here's a tool I use to create the VERY BEST headlines for my press releases and articles:


Jeff - hope this helps you!

Wendy McClelland
"I motivate people to think without boundaries!"

Private Reply to Wendy McClelland

Sep 01, 2005 11:55 amre: re: PR novice asking questions#

jeff fioravanti
Good Morning Wendy,

Thank you for your insight and related links regarding the press release. It is greatly appreciated. I am printing them out as I type, and a brief read online tells me they are a wonderful resource, full of great info, and will be most helpful as I move forward with my business venture. Thank you.

Jeff Fioravanti, CPS, PPSCC, PSA
Painting the Soul of America

Private Reply to jeff fioravanti

Sep 01, 2005 7:59 pmre: re: PR novice asking questions#

Scott Allen
Let me first say that those articles are great, Wendy -- excellent advice that I would echo, even if I don't practice it all myself consistently (the cobler's own shoes, you know?).

But I'll be somewhat of a contrarian regarding cover letters, etc. I actually never send press releases directly to journalists -- I only send "query letters", if you can call them that. Not that I don't believe in press releases -- I do -- it's just that I don't find them effective for one-to-one communication directly with individual journalists. Journalists that are covering your topic should pick it up in their daily news feeds / alerts / whatever, as should some of the various content aggregators (Moreover, etc.).

I think that communication with the journalists has to be about them and their needs, not about you and your needs. They're people, and they're in business. Build a relationship with them -- NETWORK with them.

Here's the article I did on this approach:

"Remembering the 'R' in 'PR'"

By the way, this approach has gotten me coverage in ABCNews.com, Christian Science Monitor, CFO Magazine, Sales and Marketing Management, Selling Power, etc. (and the list is growing), so I know it works.

- Scott -

Private Reply to Scott Allen

Sep 02, 2005 12:37 amre: PR novice asking questions#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


I believe press releases work best when they are part of a coordinated marketing campaign. In other words, there is synergy involved. Have you ever been to www.PRWeb.com and looked at all of the the press releases there? It is mind-boggling that anyone would even care.

In my small rural town, the townspeople ARE the newspaper reporters. Folks send in articles via email and more often than not gets printed in the newspaper. Talk about FREE PR! This is really quite amazing. But, you know what? It takes more than just a press release alone to garner attention. Sometimes even a display ad along with the news story in the same newspaper is not enough. But, if you coordinate both your display ad, press release and other marketing tools for the specific benefit of your target market, then the system stands a better chance of producing desired results.

So, what else can you do besides press release and display ad? Well, have you ever thought about sending out greeting cards to your target market through such services as the USPS NetPost Cardstore? And, when you send out those cards, include bullet points about your business and an online link to an online newspaper where an article is center stage about your business. What am I talking about? I am talking about using "citizen journalism" to spread your message. Want to see an example? Go to California News.

I hope this is helpful.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Sep 02, 2005 1:05 amre: re: PR novice asking questions#

Wendy McClelland
Scott - you've made a VERY good point about press releases - they do need to be about "solving the reporter's problem not mine". By writing a press release like it's a news story - NOT an AD - you help them get background and a foundation for a story they can add to.

I have been able to achieve a 95% print rate on my press releases (both for my business and my clients) and I believe it's due to writing a good "story" that helps the reporter convey something interesting.

Wendy McClelland
Donate to the victims of Katrina at

Private Reply to Wendy McClelland

Sep 02, 2005 11:37 amre: re: PR novice asking questions#

jeff fioravanti
Greetings Lamar,

Thank you for your input. I do try to pull off, as best I can, a coordinated marketing effort, but as an artist, funds are rather limited. (banks, and other financial institutions do not consider the arts a business) Even though I try to offer my art at different levels, both as an affordable and high end gift item for businesses, (and individuals) that will make people remember them (how many coffee mugs with a clients logo do you need?) it doesn't seem to sway financial institutions. Add to this that depending on the product a portion of any sale goes back toward the preservation and conservation of America's historic lands and properties, such goodwill I thought would be an added attraction, but apparently not so. (or, perhaps I've just not found the right people to listen) Sorry, I'm getting off on a tangent, and I apologize. I appreciate your input; do you know if there are any online services, like the link you provided to newscalifornia.com, on the east coast? In the Northeast corridor and in Pennsylvania? I've thus far not found anything comparable.

Jeff Fioravanti, CPS, PPSCC, PSA
Painting the Soul of America

Private Reply to jeff fioravanti

Sep 05, 2005 5:02 pmre: re: re: PR novice asking questions#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


That NewCalifornia.com link is just one a great many links associated with GetLocalNews.com. What you need to do is go the that basic site and put in the zipcode of the area you wish to reach. Post your article there. You can include a picture or a graphic in your posting. Then, use the resulting link to spread your message. It's the link connection that brings folks to your frontpage newspaper article. You can actually take the same basic article and post it to many different sites. You simply need to be spreading news regarding the associated links. Yes, it takes work. But, it is work that could return nice benefits. You see, there is no cost associated with posting the frontpage articles. However, keep in mind those articles you post do not stay up forever. I think you have about two weeks; or, when someone else visiting that particular site decides to post your article moves down a notch from the top position.

It is possible to sponsor a page on GetLocalNews with your own display ad and link to your website for $20/month. Combine that with your own frontpage news story and you can see it is a pretty good deal.

Good luck.

Lamar Morgan
Creating a buzz for business

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Sep 05, 2005 10:01 pmre: re: PR novice asking questions#

Cathy Wagner
Hi Wendy,

Great info! Especially this:

"Here's a tool I use to create the VERY BEST headlines for my press releases and articles:

http://www.aminstitute.com/headline/index.htm "

This is an incredible tool! Thanks!

Cathy Wagner
Online Business Expert
Providing Freedom-Seeking Entrepeneurs with
Low-Risk, Online Profit-Building Guidance.

Private Reply to Cathy Wagner

Sep 06, 2005 12:52 amre: re: re: re: PR novice asking questions#

jeff fioravanti
Thanks Lamar! I appreciate the information and your time! I'll be sure to check it out!

Jeff Fioravanti, CPS, PPSCC, PSA
Painting the Soul of America

Private Reply to jeff fioravanti

Sep 15, 2005 5:01 amre: re: re: PR novice asking questions#

Karen Stephen
Since I'm in the midst of writing my first press release, I've enjoyed reading all the advice here. I LOVE that online tool. I took my original press release headline that ranked at 13% and turned it into one that ranked at 67%. I think maybe I should use the tool to rewrite every sentence of my novel. I'm getting ready to submit it next week to a POD publisher and want to get a marketing kit ready before it goes "live". Anyone have special suggestions for marketing a self-published novel. See my website (also a first try for me) to get an idea of what I'm selling. Karen

Private Reply to Karen Stephen

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