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Help Required for a ProjectViews: 1064
Sep 29, 2005 9:42 pmHelp Required for a Project#

Ankit Jain

Hey Guys

I am a second year student of MBA doing specialization in Marketing.I have been given a project on Intrinsic Marketing.
Intrinsic Marketing means that instead of lavish advertising, you feel the pulse of the consumer and accordingly deliver it to him.
Since this is a relatively new subject,cant get much reading material on it.

Would appreciate if someone could help me on this

Ankit Jain
Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management

Private Reply to Ankit Jain

Sep 30, 2005 3:42 amre: Help Required for a Project#

Paul Strauss
Intrinsic marketing sounds intriguing. I've never heard of it before, so I can't offer help directly. WCRT Chicago's monthly meeting next week (Oct 6th) will features a marketing presenter. I'll see if I can't steer her towards this group and get her thoughts and pick her brain some.

Private Reply to Paul Strauss

Sep 30, 2005 4:29 amre: Help Required for a Project#

Deepak Morris
Hi Ankit,

The following sites give some information on intrinsic marketing:




I'm intrigued by the idea myself, so I'll be researching it further in the next few days. I'll add the links here as I find them.

All the best,

Private Reply to Deepak Morris

Sep 30, 2005 10:30 amre: re: Help Required for a Project#

Rita Losee
I've not heard the term but would understand it to mean that you need to talk to your customer and find out what she/he wants. You might call previous customers and ask them to rate your service/product. What did they not get from you? How could you have served them better. If they fall into a marked demographic group, what is the research about the wants and needs of that group? As customers are in your establishment, create conversation about who they are and what they need, then capture the responses. Hope this helps.

Private Reply to Rita Losee

Sep 30, 2005 9:00 pmre: Help Required for a Project#

Garland Coulson
Hello Ankit,

Check out "The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer at a Time," by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers.

It is an excellent book that I think takes a similar approach to what you are talking about. They focus on building stronger customer relationships to sell each customer more of what they need instead of mass marketing to reach more and more customers.

Garland Coulson, "The E-Business Tutor"
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Private Reply to Garland Coulson

Oct 01, 2005 4:38 pmre: Help Required for a Project#

Karri Flatla

Hi Ankit,

Interesting subject which is close to my own heart. In the world of Virtual Assistants, we build our practices very much on the principles of relationship marketing which sounds similar to the concept you describe.

Curious then: are you studying intrinsic marketing at the corporate level (ie. for big business?). I would be interested to see how the deployment of intrinsic marketing at this level differs from how we solo-preneurs handle it. The economies of scale would be much different in terms of ROI. When I was at a transportation firm here in Canada, we spent big dollars on our Customer Service Program in an effort to provide loyalty-building, feel-good experiences. But,in many ways it did not provde the ROI it should have.

Another avenue of research for you is to check out some of the great blogs and forums out there. There is a lot of discussion going on about the "death" of conventional advertising as a stand-alone promotional tool. This is especially true though for online businesses who need a way to "reach out and touch" their prospects.

Keep us posted as to the development of your project!

Take care and all the best.

Karri Flatla, B.Mgt.
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