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where to find list to send press releaseViews: 825
Nov 15, 2005 12:59 amwhere to find list to send press release#

sherry woodhouse
Hi all,

Where do you find a list of magazine, newspapers etc to send your press release. I've been collecting the info from the insides of magazines that I think would be appropriate. Any easier suggestions?



Private Reply to sherry woodhouse

Nov 15, 2005 3:19 amre: where to find list to send press release#

Andrew Barnes

Sherry, here in the UK there is a directory of all publications called B.E.N.N.S. that catagorizes all magazines, periodicals, trade publications and newspapers. It is available in all libraries.

I'm sure the US has an equivelant.

Autograph Your Work With Excellence.

AndyE Barnes
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Private Reply to Andrew Barnes

Nov 16, 2005 8:03 amre: where to find list to send press release#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


You could spend a lot of time at the local library - using resources like specific magazines, newspapers and the Broadcasters Yearbook. Or, you could simply go to PRWeb.com and use their service. PR Web can got you into Google News, Yahoo News, MSN News, and PR News FrontPage. It can also get your message out to 1,100 other publications. (Please keep in mind there is a big difference between getting your message out to the media and having them actually carry it.)

One tool for promtion which is being used more and more these days is "citizen journalism." Although it is not really designed for promotion, msot of the folks who engage in its use are promoting something in the articles they write.

If you are trying to build a following - an audience if you will - you should seriously consider doing one or a combination of the following - online newsletter, blog, podcast, web conference or teleseminar.

If you are not familiar with the concept of power networking and would like to learn more about it, just request my FREE PDF by clicking this link - CDMM.

Lamar Morgan
Creating a buzz for business in the boardroom

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Nov 16, 2005 6:02 pmre: where to find list to send press release#

Vivian Aldana vivian_aldana@yahoo.com


Hi Sherri,

Finding the right place to submit your press release is not nearly as complicated as getting someone to read and print it.


The Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media is the ultimate guide, but it is very pricey.


Joan Stewart, an expert in the publicity field, has a ton of information available about press releases.  Much of it is free.   In her Special Report #6, she tells you how to write how-to articles that position you as an expert and where to find publications that want your articles.  Because she worked as a grumpy editor at three daily newspapers and The Business Journal in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she left the newspaper industry in 1994 to start her own business.  


As a media relations consultant, speaker and trainer, she shows people how to use the media to establish their credibility, enhance their reputation, position themselves as experts, and ultimately sell more products and services.   This link will take you to her website.


Then, there are sites where you can  send a press release on the web for free.  Although it will get your release out on the web, it wont get you into print media.  PRWeb specializes in press release distribution for small business. PRWeb pioneered free press release distribution and continues to set the standard for online news distribution. It is the largest newswire catering to small and medium sized companies and organizations and one of the largest online press release newswires.


There's a lot of free information and directories on the web.  I hope this will get your started.


Peace and Blessings,


Vivian Aldana


Private Reply to Vivian Aldana vivian_aldana@yahoo.com

Nov 16, 2005 9:36 pmre: where to find list to send press release#

Laura Atwood
Another option is MediaContacts from BurrellesLuce. Also very costly, but depending on your needs the cost can be brought down with purchase of a regional or state subscription.

Another good option is to hire a PR specialist who already has all that information, knows how to write press releases that grab attention, and may also have relationships with key contacts in the media.

Private Reply to Laura Atwood

Nov 17, 2005 6:23 amre: where to find list to send press release#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Who are you trying to reach with your product and services? Is it folks looking for vacation homes in Jamaica? If you just do press releases you may find yourself being very disappointed. I recommend you not look for a "quick fix" kind of solution, but a well-thought-out one. Consider doing a actual campaign for your customers. But, test it first to see if your message resonates with a small but well-defined sample of the market you wish to penetrate.

Please do not fall into the trap expecting people to pay attention to what you say simply because you placed a sizeable display ad in the newspaper. Remember, a high profile, synergistic, cost-effective marketing plan is what generally works best.

Good luck.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Nov 18, 2005 5:37 amre: re: where to find list to send press release#

sherry woodhouse
Thanks for the references all. Lamar, the press releases will be part of the overall campaign. We will be launching the spa as an integral part of the whole vacation experience and want to be start working on the press releases ahead of time.

Private Reply to sherry woodhouse

Nov 19, 2005 6:01 amre: re: re: where to find list to send press release#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Remember, the deal with the press release is that you have no guarantee as to who - if anyone at all - will decide to carry it. But, you can enhance your chances of getting good exposure by linking your press release to a front-page news story and both to a direct-mail campaign to specific individuals in your target market. My FREE Power Networking PDF will show you have that is done. Let me know via privat email if you have an interest and I will gladly send it to you.

Lamar Morgan
Creating a buzz for business in the boardroom

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Nov 20, 2005 1:21 amre: re: re: re: where to find list to send press release#

Paul Strauss
I've had great success using www.businesswire.com

If you would like my direct contact within the organization, shoot me an e-mail. We have a great relationship and I happily send referrals to them without the benefit of renumeration (just so you know)

Private Reply to Paul Strauss

Nov 20, 2005 1:28 amIncrease the Odds Of Getting Your Release Carried#

Paul Strauss
One of the reasons we use Businesswire is that they really worked with us one to one, met with us personally, and even introduced us to several local journalists.

Like everything else, writing a press release-- the fortune is in the follow up. You have to follow up with the journalists at the publications you wish to carry your release.

It's not "fire-and-forget", it's a comprehensive process. The press release is just the start.

Private Reply to Paul Strauss

Nov 20, 2005 8:23 amre: Increase the Odds Of Getting Your Release Carried#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


What you say about follow-up is so true. Press releases, direct mail campaigns, etc. are NOT magic bullets. While the exposure may create a buzz for your business, follow-up is still required. I personally think this is moreso with small business situations where the budget is usually quite restrained. The last thing you want is for your marketing efforts to creae a negative cashflow situation. For that reason, I think testing the viability of one's advertising is essential. I have devised a cost-effective way to get that done through just three people. For more information on the process, just send me a private email at CDMM.

Good luck.

Lamar Morgan
Creating a buzz for business in the boardroom

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

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