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A Welcome Wagon Approach to Un-MarketingViews: 1092
Nov 17, 2005 3:29 pmA Welcome Wagon Approach to Un-Marketing#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

My pastor just informed me there is a service that will provide you with mailing labels of every new person who relocates to a particular city. The company is called Universal Resource Group. It is located in Richmond, TX. Since I am located in Northern California and have been asked to help promote a seminar taking place in Las Vegas, NV, I think a service like this could be very useful. What do others think about such services? This does not sound like your typical list company. You get a refund for any address label that bounces back. The service is rather inexpensive (otherwise, I doubt my little church could afford to use it.) It provides address labels according to zipcode requested. To find out more about them, simply do a Google search on the name.

Lamar Morgan
Creating a buzz for business in the boardroom

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Nov 17, 2005 9:13 pmre: A Welcome Wagon Approach to Un-Marketing#

DR ~
I respect my personal privacy too much to have info about where I live plastered all over the place.

Perhaps some people might see this service as a chance for publicity or to gain new clients. Great!


Private Reply to DR ~

Nov 18, 2005 4:09 amre: re: A Welcome Wagon Approach to Un-Marketing#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

"I respect my personal privacy too much to have info about where I live plastered all over the place.

"Perhaps some people might see this service as a chance for publicity or to gain new clients. Great!"


I can understand people who are in a government protection program not wanting others to know where they are. Why? Becuase they fear for their safety. But, normal people - that is people who do not fall into the celebrity category (good or bad)? With all due respects, I think it is possible to respect another person's privacy without requiring that person or yourself go into hiding.

Do you feel your privacy is violated when you get "junk mail?" I don't feel my privacy is being violated simply because I get mail I did not request. The solution is so simple. Just toss it in the trash.

Unless you have gone into hiding, the information about where you live is a matter of public record. That situation is not likely to change. Why not make the most of it? I do not believe complaining about your public address being readily accessible in public databases will do you any good. What could you possibly hope to accomplish by trying to change the way the public chooses to handle public information?

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Nov 18, 2005 5:51 amre: re: A Welcome Wagon Approach to Un-Marketing#

sherry woodhouse
I know what you mean about privacy but with somethings I think we have less privacy than you might think. I for example found out by chance some time ago, that without asking for permission the phone company posts your address (including a map!) on the internet if you have a published number. Had I known that they did that I would have had an unpublished number.

But, that is not Lamar is asking about so let me answer his question. I think that service or using that service is no different from the people who send those discount coupons to new home owners. When we bought our house Fortunoff, Pizza Hut, and some other places sent us coupons. It was great. I don't remember if they had our full names. Maybe it was just last name or some just said New Resident or something like that along with the address. The only thing with such a list though is that it is untargeted. If you have a product that has general appeal then it might work.

Private Reply to sherry woodhouse

Nov 18, 2005 4:25 pmre: re: re: A Welcome Wagon Approach to Un-Marketing#

Nicole Bandes
The problem with the envelope mailers is that they can be very expensive and, despite what they tell you, most people don't open them. If you set up a campaign to send a post card every two to four weeks, then you may find that you see better results than you would with the envelope mailers.

Nicole Bandes,
Natural Health Coach

Private Reply to Nicole Bandes

Nov 19, 2005 2:19 amre: re: re: re: A Welcome Wagon Approach to Un-Marketing#

sherry woodhouse
Lamar, I agree with Nichole. I think if you are going to do it you should do postcards. They are cheaper to mail (depending on the size) and you have a higher chance of someone looking at it. In our house, if it is a bill and from a source we know it gets kept. Anything else that looks like junk mail is tossed. If it is hand addressed we generally open it since it might be from someone we know. If it is a postcard we usually at least look at it. If it is interesting we keep it.

Private Reply to sherry woodhouse

Nov 19, 2005 5:54 amre: re: re: re: A Welcome Wagon Approach to Un-Marketing#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


You are correct that envelope mailers are more expensive than postcards. But, time is money too. Do you see mailing out postcards every two to four weeks as a cost-effective approach? i think it is better to do ONE small mailing that is targeted to the folks you KNOW you want as customers. Not only that, but you use a mailer invitation where each mailer addresses to other people you are prospecting that are known by the person you are mailing. Yes, this is more time-consuming to do. But, guess what it is designed to do? It is designed to createa "buzz" for your business in your target market. It is designed to get people talking about you and your business. The most powerful marketing tool ever devised is the personal referral. And, what you will have just done is put that powerful marketing tool to work for your business...on steriods!

For optimum results in marketing, think small, high-profile, targeted and synergistic. If you would like some further power networking tips, request my FREE Power Networking PDF.

Lamar Morgan
Creating a buzz for business in the boardroom

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

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