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Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their ClientsViews: 929
Dec 01, 2005 3:29 amGeting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Larry Shudra
Any suggestions on how to get a small, new - news/talk station onto the radar screen of Ad / Marketing agencies?

We can offer frequency and saturation (which is better than reach) for low cost. The big advertising gurus teach that successful avertising has: Frequency, Duration and a Salient message. That the medium does not matter. But it seems the clients want reach. And that's what the agents are buying.

So how many smaller businesses are getting turned away because they cannot afford $150-$350 per spot? (which would cost $5-$10,000 to achieve any frequency)
How many other businesses quit after a couple of short flights and say - I tried radio it did not work.
If they advertised on a smaller station, more frequency, longer duration with the right message = success.

Would like to have a friendly exchange of ideas.


Private Reply to Larry Shudra

Dec 01, 2005 4:58 amre: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Denise Ryder
Hey Larry,

Read your post, very interesting. Best approach has always been advertise in something you can afford to do for a long period of time, that reaches your target market. Why go the route of the Ad/Marketing Agencies when they are being hit left right and center by your competition.

Small businesses that I deal with do NOT go with Ad/Marketing Agencies because they don't have the budget for them. So here they are left to their own devices and nine times out of ten don't even try. Set up a consortium where a group of businesses targeting the same market can pool their spots and budgets. It's a win/win. They get the exposure they need and you sell ad spots on your radio shows.

Just some food for thought ;o)

Denise Ryder
Marketing Coach

Private Reply to Denise Ryder

Dec 01, 2005 5:29 pmre: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Linda Bohrnerud

I don't really know, but I assume that Denise is right. In that case, are you advertising on your own station? Are you a member of a local networking group?

Private Reply to Linda Bohrnerud

Dec 02, 2005 7:54 amre: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


I took a look at your Ryze page. Yours is a Christian radio station. I would not bother going after ad agencies. I would go after churches. Granted, more and more of your mega-churches have their very own stations for broadcastings. However, the majority of churches do not have such resources. Therefore, you really could fill a need for them. You simply need to connect. By establishing a connection with the churches, you can also establish a relationship with the congregations - which are no doubt filled with small businesses which would love to get promoted on radio at a reasonable price. What you need to do is get flyers about your radio station circulated in churches and through organizations like Women's Aglow and the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship.

Good luck.

Lamar Morgan
Creating a buzz for business in the boardroom

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Dec 28, 2005 8:55 pmre: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Nic Mitham
I would disagree quite a lot with your comment about reach not being important. But, to give some advice to your initial question about how to get advertising agencies to pay attention to your station - focus on your content and this will lead to a natural increase in your listener base.

Private Reply to Nic Mitham

Dec 31, 2005 3:16 amre: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


You want your news/radio station to get on the "radar screen?" Why not do something creative online that would day folks to your website - I take it you have one - and your business? Create a FREE online lens about newsradio and post it to Squidoo.com? Put a little power networking to work to build your business. Check out the lens called Power Networking. I think it will still up some creative ideas.

Good luck.

Lamar Morgan
Power Networking

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Jan 02, 2006 4:22 pmre: re: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Kimberly Henrie
I emailed Larry privately on this back when he originated the post. I am also in small market radio. I've found that relationship marketing is the way to go. Even if clients are using an ad agency, you need to get the information in the clients hand, build a relationship and encourage them to encourage or even insist that their agent buy our station. If you can provide documentation in the form of a survey or other resource that shows your station is the best match for their clientele, it should take you half the way. Then build that relationship and make it a bad decision for them NOT to buy. Do things like a one time buy at a ridiculous rate (we did $1 per spot)

Then, once you get them in the door, you must deliver. Give exceptional service, production, etc.

Get out and network with those clients AND the ad agencies. Chamber functions, industry events, etc.

Wishing you all the best in 2006.

Private Reply to Kimberly Henrie

Jan 02, 2006 9:47 pmre: re: re: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


I agree fully with Kimberly. You need to get out there and "press the flesh." Busines networking is not just something that happens online. It needs to happen face-to-face and shaking hands. I have heard that some Chamber of Commerce groups actually have business card exchange events. You need to make yourself know at those events.

I am a volunteer coordinator for a local business association. What I have learned by being the mixer coordinator is that most people who attend these events do not know what to do with themselves. Despite everything we do to make the atmosphere amenable with free food, refreshments and door prizes, some people remain extremely uncomfortable. Many of the folks who are not uncomfortable do not really network. They simply make small talk that really goes nowhere.

I could be wrong, but I think business networking is a skill - just like playing a piano is a skill. You don't just walk into a piano store, sit down at the piano and begin to play beautiful music. You have to first learn how to play the piano if you are to be able to make beautiful music. And, so it with benefiting from business mixers. You have to learn how to do it. Business networking does not happen simply because you show up.

If you have never read Donna Fisher's book, Professional Networking for Dummies or Scott Allen's book, The Virtual Handshake, I highly recommend both.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Jan 02, 2006 11:37 pmre: re: re: re: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

mark adams
I appreciate the tip.I am new to networking and look forward in talking to every one here. It would be a learned skill and most certainly not overnight either.I enjoy your comments Stan.

Private Reply to mark adams

Jan 03, 2006 12:52 amre: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Clients#

Barbara Casey
I bet lots of folks would do better networking in person if they had a strong "elevator speech" that they could just roll off the tongue, when being introduced around.


Private Reply to Barbara Casey

Jan 03, 2006 1:44 amre: re: re: re: re: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Client#

mark adams
Im sorry i meant Lamar.I enjoy your comments on networking.I am just learning this myself and agree to what both you and KImberly has said.

Private Reply to mark adams

Jan 03, 2006 11:34 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Geting Ad / Marketing Agencies to Consider Small Radio Stations for their Cl#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

This thread was originally about how a small news radio station could make a "big splash" marketingwise. Well, how did Matt Drudge do it? He certainly was not a big name to reconned with when he came on the scene. Nevertheless, he found a news item that all of a sudden make him a big hit. I suggest Larry do likewise. In fact, I have a suggestion for him in that regard. Do a news story about the growing synergistic relationship between Ryzers, Squidoo(Seth Godin's company)and a business seminar scheduled to hit Las Vegas on January 20th called "Reach For Your Star." This is BIG news! Why? Because never before in the history of the Internet has a seminar - be it in Las Vegas or anywhere else - incorporating Web 2.0 innovation like this seminar. Here you have it being promoted by the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce on its website calenar, you have it being promoted on Squidoo and Ryze. Believe it or not, some of the featured speakers for this seminar have yet to meet one another. This entire event really has been made possible by the Internet.

Larry, if you draw attention to this event, this event will no doubt draw attention to your radio station. I encourage you to get in touch with the principals of this event. Interview them for your radio show. Give the principals reason to endorse your station. I am confident they will.

This is a win-win situation - for you, your station, this event, Las Vegas and the business people who decide to attend. Go for it! Begin by checking out the lens Reach For Your Star.

Good luck.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

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