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51 Thoughts on NetworkingViews: 1979
Sep 06, 2006 4:41 pm51 Thoughts on Networking#

Angelo Cerase
Hey all,

I just read this on Scott Ginsberg's website. Scott Ginsberg is the "Guy with the Nametag" who has been wearing a nametag non-stop for around 6yrs.


I especially like Thought #6

6. Networking isn’t selling, marketing or cold calling. It’s the development and maintenance of mutually valuable relationships. Don’t mix those things up.


Private Reply to Angelo Cerase

Sep 06, 2006 8:43 pmre: 51 Thoughts on Networking#

Bill Vick
Another Scott (like our own Scott Stratten) with his finger on the pulse of what makes Marketing really tick. Scott Ginsberg has so much great information on his blog and other websites that it's hard to single any one point as the best. He is truly a one man marketing machine and along with you, I am a fan.

All of his points hit home for me but the one that really resonates is "44. And stop calling it networking. Ignore the title of this post. I only used that word in the title because my client made me. Networking – as a word – is tired and old and cliché and it makes people think you’re throwing around a bunch of cards trying to sell, sell, sell. No. All you’re doing is making friends. Not schmoozing, mingling or any of those stupid catch phrases. You’re making friends. That’s it. Friends. Make them every day."



Private Reply to Bill Vick

Sep 08, 2006 6:07 amre: re: 51 Thoughts on Networking#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


I think Scott's idea #26 is wrong. While I like the idea of writing "HICH" ("How I Can Help") on a business card, I think it makes more sense to write those letters on the MY CARD, not the card the person gives me only to give it back with "HICH" on it. That does not strike me as a wise move. Could that simply be a misprint?

Lamar Morgan
Power Networking
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Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Sep 08, 2006 8:16 pmre: re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networking#

Scott Stratten

He's not saying right HCIH on their card and give it back to them. He's saying write that on their card, so when you leave and look at it again when you get home, you remind yourself how you could help this person you met that day.


Private Reply to Scott Stratten

Sep 08, 2006 9:46 pmre: re: re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networking#

Marcus Williams
Thanks for the link to Scott's website. I have spent the last hour reading his material and I can see that I am going to have a long weekend!


Private Reply to Marcus Williams

Sep 08, 2006 10:04 pmre: re: re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networking#

Kurt Schweitzer
I like that idea of writing How I Can Help on business cards you collect. It's sort of like a game I play, which I call "I Know a Guy". When someone is talking, concentrate on what they're saying with the idea of suggesting names of people you know who can help them. When it's your turn to speak, say "I know a guy ..." and mention the names and how they can help.

I find it's better to be known as someone who knows people who can solve problems than to be known as a solver of a particular type of problem. (Besides, this exercises a skill that is not natural to me.)

Kurt Schweitzer

Private Reply to Kurt Schweitzer

Sep 10, 2006 2:46 amre: re: re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networking#

42. Speaking of Google, Google yourself regularly. Find out what people are saying about you. If you don’t show up, you’re in trouble.

Clearly, I am in trouble. LOL.


Confessions Of A Marketing Addict
"Marketing does not die in a recession, only marketers without imagination." - Philip Kotler

Private Reply to S C

Sep 10, 2006 5:59 amre: 51 Thoughts on Networking#

Gisela McKay
I'm always surprised when someone claims to have a list of networking tips and their first one isn't: Know exactly who your customer is.

If you know who your customer is then you will better know who, of the people you meet, a) is a customer, b) knows more of your customers, and c) is a good match for cross promotion/joint ventures.

You are going to meet a lot of people, some of them you can help immediately, some of them can help you immediately, others may work out later, but don't forget those people who market to the same people you do - and can help you extend your reach and cut marketing costs.

If you don't know who your customer is, you're just floundering.

Private Reply to Gisela McKay

Sep 14, 2006 4:18 amYou Don't Need Business Cards#

Paul Strauss
Truth is that you really don't need to be a giver-outer of business cards. You need to be a collector of business cards.

If you're savvy, you can give out business cards without ever handing a single card out, or giving any of your personal information out. Why? Because people don't need your information, you need theirs. I follow a system I learned from an mlm guru (I'm not an mlmer myself) that works like a champ.

I first ask for their card, I tell them I don't have many cards left, don't worry I'll get in touch with you. If they don't have a card-- I give them one of mine and ask them to jot down their info and in either case I tell them I'll call them in a few days.

The money is in your list no matter what business you're in. Big list, big bucks. So, don't worry about self-promotion-- gather names and data.

Private Reply to Paul Strauss

Sep 14, 2006 6:47 pmre: You Don't Need Business Cards#

Angelo Cerase

I agree that the power is in your list, not in how many people have your business card.

I once read that the best thing a business card is used for is to get the other person's business card.

Personally, I prefer to hand out my business card whenever I ask for someone else's. I know from past experience that I felt a teeny bit more comfortable with the other person I met if they gave me their card as compared to them saying that they ran out. It's probably some strange subconscious thing, but I guess by them giving me their business card I felt a little more comfortable with them.

And since I would like any prospective clients or contacts to feel comfortable with me, I am more than happy to give them my card, even though the vast majority of them probably end up in the bottom of a drawer. But rolodex or drawer, at least I have their contact info.


Private Reply to Angelo Cerase

Sep 18, 2006 3:27 pmre: You Don't Need Business Cards#

Gisela McKay
"I first ask for their card, I tell them I don't have many cards left, don't worry I'll get in touch with you. If they don't have a card-- I give them one of mine and ask them to jot down their info and in either case I tell them I'll call them in a few days."

Yeah, I meet many of these people. If there has been nothing in the conversation that has led me to believe that the person is going to bring something to the table of benefit to BOTH of us, I ask why they want my card. (I never take more than eight cards anywhere. It forces me to be selective about the people I give them to - and I am naturally selective of the people I accept them from.)

If, unsolicitedly, they send me stuff that is solely of benefit to them, and then I put them on my spam assassin black list. If I am feeling particularly peevish, I put them on multipe spam server blacklists as well. Enjoy being stuck in SORBS hell.

Got anymore bad advice to give people?

(Your asking for my business card does not qualify as my opting in.)

Private Reply to Gisela McKay

Sep 19, 2006 5:51 amre: You Don't Need Business Cards#

Karri Flatla
You're getting closer to the truth, Paul ;)

Always be thinking about what you can bring to the table in any relationship. How can you listen more, give more, make the most valuable contribution possible. And ask for nothing in return.

The whole "what goes around comes around" thing works in business as much as in anything else in life.


Karri Flatla, B.Mgt.
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Private Reply to Karri Flatla

Sep 19, 2006 7:31 pmBeing memorable and findable (Knowing who your customer is (re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networking))#

Scott Allen
Right on, Gisela. Good networking isn't random. Sure, serendipity happens, and often the best results are unexpected. But the more focused you are, the better your odds are.

And no, you don't have to have business cards - collecting them is certainly one part of making for good follow-up, but so is making yourself findable online. If you have a good brand and make a memorable impression, people will be able to find you, even if they lose your card.

When I meet people, I focus on trying to make 3 things about me memorable:

1. Entrepreneurs
2. The Virtual Handshake
3. Scott Allen

If someone can remember ANY of these three things, they can easily find me:

1. http://www.google.com/search?q=entrepreneurs
2. http://www.google.com/search?q=virtual+handshake
3. http://www.google.com/search?q=scott+allen (OK, here I'm #2, 3, 4 and 6, not #1, but still)

My point is that people will inevitably lose your contact information, or want to refer people to you when they don't have your information handy, etc. If you make yourself a) memorable, and b) findable based on that, you're set.

Want to see some other examples? These are purely off the top of my head:



http://www.google.com/search?q=huntington+beach+althea+realtor (if you do local business, your city + your first name + your business should produce a very visible web presence for yourself)

http://www.google.com/search?q=testosterone-free+marketing (interestingly, my interview of Denise is higher-ranked than her own site, but the interview still gets you to her)

How do you make yourself memorable when networking?

1. Wear something distinctive - a brightly-colored tie, an unusual necklace, etc. You don't have to be outlandish (though some people work that quite well), just not the same blah suit.

2. Be fully present - not overly intense, but fully engaged and fully aware of the people you interact with. Many people only seem to be "half there", so being fully engaged helps you stand out.

3. Ask distinctive questions. Bob Burg has some good suggestions in "Endless Referrals", but I think the best questions can't be communicated in a book because they're specific to the person you're interacting with. Do #2 and this will flow naturally.

4. Reinforce your keywords. This is basic NLP. Take those anchor words that you want people to remember about you and work them into the conversation repeatedly (within reason). It WILL reinforce your branding.

5. Contribute to the group conversation. Don't hog it, but say one really smart thing at your table or in front of the whole group and it will make you much more memorable.

Be memorable, be findable, and business cards become irrelevant.

- Scott -

Private Reply to Scott Allen

Sep 20, 2006 2:16 pmre: Being memorable and findable (Knowing who your customer is (re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networking))#

Chuck Dennis

These are great networking tips, especially about being memorable and findable on the web.

I am marketing myself as the Angry Customer Expert, and if you run that on Google, I am 4 of the top 5 hits, which is cool. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-02,GGLG:en&q=angry+customer+expert

However, if you run a search for just "Angry Customer," I don't show up until the 20th hit, which is not so cool. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-02,GGLG:en&q=angry+customer

So, does the word "expert" carry that much weight? Even for a self-proclaimed expert, such as myself? All chest-thumping aside, I think we all want to be ranked as highly as possible, and while I am no SEO genius, I find it interesting that simply adding the word "expert" to a search brings me to the top of the heap.

Any thoughts?

Chuck Dennis

Private Reply to Chuck Dennis

Nov 04, 2006 5:34 amre: Being memorable and findable (Knowing who your customer is (re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networking))#

Jessica Sellers
Angelo, thanks for sharing that post! That definitely got the wheels turning in my head.

I listen to FreeCapitalistRadio sometimes, and the thing they always stress is that "Dollars Follow Value." Any way that you can create value for someone else, that is the beginning of a wonderful relationship.

I have started looking at people in a different light. Instead of looking at people and thinking how they will judge me, I start thinking, wow, what an awesome and valuable person! I wonder what their talents are!

One thing that I am trying out with our company business cards is double-sided business cards. On one side, you can put your contact info and I recommend a picture of yourself. On the other side, put something interesting about yourself and/or how you think you can create value for that person. You could have it preprinted or write it down right before you hand it out, but either way, I think it creates added value.

Private Reply to Jessica Sellers

Nov 05, 2006 4:00 amre: re: Being memorable and findable (Knowing who your customer is (re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networkin#

Barb Desmarais

Thanks for that Angelo. It gave me lots to think about. I'm starting to really get the part about networking being about forming relationships vs. trying to get business. There were so many things Scott said that made sense that had never occurred to me.



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Private Reply to Barb Desmarais

Nov 09, 2006 1:00 amThe Angry Customer Expert#

Nancy Houle TrainingBusinessPros.com
Scott writes " I am marketing myself as the Angry Customer Expert".

Hi Scott,

Your post caught my eye. For 2 reasons:

1) I thought to myself, wow, how many angry people did you need to handle to become an expert? Yikes! :-) Bless you for doing the job!

2) It's your key word search "Angry Customer" that caught my eye. Though highly targeted, only a few people a month are looking for those key search terms.

Searches done in September 2006

144 angry customer
52 angry customer deal
46 angry customer dealing
27 angry customer handle

Are you targeting on the floor retail, phone service, mfg, distribution centres, etc? If you could really figure out your target market, and you did a little SEO, you'd be more effective generating leads and sales on line.

For example: Check out how many people a month are searching the following terms.

112530 customer service
20434 cingular wireless customer service
17064 customer service phone number
10892 com customer service wachovia
6013 directv customer service
5976 customer service training
2044 customer service and support
1990 call customer center service
1683 good customer service
1670 customer service tip
1370 customer service skill

That's just one example.

I'm just brainstorming here without really knowing what the keywords would be but here is another example:

36431 anger management
3423 anger management class
1786 anger management technique
1162 anger management sourcebook
913 anger management for child
888 free anger management class
839 anger management ticket
587 anger management treatment

A little internet marketing can go a long way in generating leads and sales for any business!


Private Reply to Nancy Houle TrainingBusinessPros.com

Nov 14, 2006 5:00 amre: The Angry Customer Expert#

Gisela McKay
(I been thinking more along the lines of what does naming yourself the "Angry Customer Expert" do for you in terms of the Law of Attraction? I think I'd prefer "Contented Customers" or "Cheerful Customers" in my life.)

(Just saying.)

Private Reply to Gisela McKay

Nov 14, 2006 3:10 pm re: The Angry Customer Expert#

Nancy Houle TrainingBusinessPros.com
Hi Gisela!

I thought about that too. But if you are in business to help angry people, then wouldn't you want to focus your energy on angry people, to attract more angry people?

If what you focus on expands...?

Just a thought!


Private Reply to Nancy Houle TrainingBusinessPros.com

Nov 14, 2006 7:55 pmre: re: Being memorable and findable (Knowing who your customer is (re: re: 51 Thoughts on Networkin#

Kurt Schweitzer
Re: "The Angry Customer Expert"

Are you a "Customer Expert" who is angry? Or are you an expert in "Angry Customers"?

I enjoy names that can be taken two ways, but I don't think they help your business much (unless you recognize the double entendre and play it up in your marketing!)

Kurt Schweitzer

P.S. Multiple meanings will really shaft any search engine marketing you try to do.

Private Reply to Kurt Schweitzer

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