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Un-Marketing [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
What Could Un-Marketing Do for a RealtorViews: 303
Jul 27, 2006 3:40 pm re: re: re: re: FOLLOW UP

Andrea "Andi" Yates
In my area, Open Houses are definitely not the way to go anymore to pick up clients. Not to mention it's been in the triple digits lately. The market is slow and the buyers are more sophisticated or fussier these days and already have the realtors in place. Although up until last year, open houses were the way to go because there was such a frenzy to buy, buy, buy if you had an open house you were assured of picking up buyers left and right.

The main reason right now to even hold Open Houses is basically for the sellers and for sign presence in the area. Branding, if you will. Although again it depends on the area and the homes. The vast majority of my clients absolutely do not want open houses because of the higher end price range they are in...they just don't want random people walking through there homes. So most of my showings are by appointment only right now.

Internet marketing is big right now with most successful realtors, we are reeling new clients in everyday through our internet sites. It's a little costly but well worth it. It's probably the wave of the future. Instead of buying leads from these rip off companies that sell the same lead to 4 or 5 other realtors you are getting a one on one lead contacting you...and if you are any good at what you do you can convert them into a loyal client immediately.

The market is definitely getting very tough in certain areas (except for Texas which is off the chart right now) and I find the traditional methods aren't working and actually never really worked. Door knocking, while great for getting your exercise in, does really nothing more than cheese off potential prospects because they just don't have time or just don't want to speak to a realtor...they get so many realtors contacting them. In my area at least, I've watched some colleagues go door knocking day after day after day, while I'm listing and selling in the exact area they are walking. Referrals are the way to go! Build up those referrals guys, that's the best way...go to networking events...always have your cards on hand...always present yourself in a professional manner everywhere you go...in this business you really have to step up to the plate and live your life on a professional more sophisticated level because you never know who or when you will meet your next new prospect.

On my last vacation to Costa Rica I took my biz cards with me and bumped into a hall of famer basketball guy that's also an assitant coach for a nba team right now who kept my card and called me 5 months later. So you just never know.

Anyway, that's my professional 2 cents worth. Talk to you soon and have a very productive and fun day!


Private Reply to Andrea "Andi" Yates (new win)

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