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Talk Radio Hosting Advice?Views: 311
Sep 10, 2006 4:56 am re: re: re: Talk Radio Hosting Advice?

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


I think it should be pointed out that a lot of traditional radio stations have an online presence. Why is that? I think it is to expand their audience. Now, let's take this idea a step farther? Why would traditional radio stations who also have an online radio presence want to also do a talkcast like Talkshoe.com? Answer: same reason - to expand their audience.

A live talkcast is not only free, but can be accessed numerous ways - regular phone, cell phone and via the computer (a la Skype-out). You have the option of having a public or a private talkcast. All public talkcasts are recorded and archived as podcasts. That means they can not only be listened to 24/7, but subscribed to as a series. That is not true for your Internet radio programs. Plus, it is real easy to send a link of a Talkshoe podcast. Want an example? Check this out - Power Networking. It is also very easy to invite folks to a talkcast - be it public or private.

As the host of the talkcast, you maintain complete control of your presentation. The host wears numerous hats - writer, director and executive producer. While your live talkcast can accomodate up to 1,000 people, you maintain complete control over the crowd. (Of course, there is no limit to the number of people who can listen to a recorded podcast.) At the push of a button you can mute the entire audience and only allow those who you select to talk or even communicate via text chat. You also know who is simply listening to the call and who is actually "live" and able to speak.

If you are as skeptical as I was, you have to be wondering, "What's the catch?" How you can you have so many wonderful options at your fingertips for free? Well, the truth is, although it is free for your use, someone else is paying for every single phone connection. After all, how is it that Skype enables you to make free phone calls all over the world? Someone must be paying for that call to go through. Well, Talkshoe.com is no different than Skype in that regard. Believe it or not - and I was really surprised to learn this - telcos (telephone companies) are actually paying a fee to Talkshoe.com each time a call is connected. I heard it cost $10 million dollar for Talkshoe.com to have phone equipment set up to make this happen. But, Talkshoe.com had such a good business plan that the equipment was given to them by the people who manufacture it. That to me is amazing. I wish I knew how to write a business plan that was worth $10 million dollars in phone equipment. But then, unlike the president of Talkshoe.com, I do not have 20 years in the telecommunications industry.

Incoming phone calls are just one of several revenue streams for Talkshoe.com. Another revenue stream is Google ads. You will notice there are Google ads on the website. The more talkcasts (website content) the more Google ads and hence the more revenue for Talkshoe. Soon there will also be audio ads as well.

Make no mistake, this is Web 2.0 innovation at its best. By the public supplying the content(talkcasts) for the website, everybody wins. In fact, those hosts who do a series of talkcasts get paid for their time based upon the size of their audience and the number of shows.

Lamar Morgan
Power Networking
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