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Un-Marketing [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....Views: 297
Nov 19, 2006 2:39 am re: Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....

Kurt Schweitzer
It depends.

What are you selling? If you are selling YOU, you need to provide the prospect with a lot of information about yourself. On the other hand, if what you're selling is something that isn't closely associated with you as a person, then all that personal information is just fluff that the prospect will probably ignore.

How are you different from your competition, and how is that difference important to the prospect? Is the fact that you are an artist (or accountant, zookeeper, or whatever) important to the prospect? Will it persuade them that you are someone who deserves their business? Then include all that personal fluff.

What image do you want your business to project? People always make fun of "professional" websites and how they all seem to look alike, but there's a reason for that - they tell prospects that this is a "professional" business, even if it's only a one-person shop. The amount and kind of personal information included in your website should be consistant with the image you're trying to project.

When you design your website you have to guess what visitors will be looking for. You can spend lots of time (and money) putting up information that your prospects completely ignore, while missing those bits of information that would close the sale.

There are "stock" pieces of information you should always include:
* What you are selling.
* How it will benefit the customer.
* Why they should buy it from you, rather than the competition.
* How they can contact you for more information (or to send you money!)
* Answers to potential objections that will convince the prospect to buy.

Anything else should be integrated with your marketing plan, or else it's just useless padding.

Remember: This is your business, and the primary objective of business is to make money. Your website is one of your business tools. Use it wisely!

Kurt Schweitzer

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