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Un-Marketing [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....Views: 276
Nov 23, 2006 5:16 pm re: re: Marketing To Marketers...You Won't Make it Unless.....

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Brenda & Kurt,

You are both so right when it comes to these online ads. The public NEEDS a reason to care. Just look at all the online ads that receive absolutely zero feedback. Most of them lack cleverness, too. Far too many are centered in some way on greed. Few bother to appeal to a person's need.

Think about the commercials that actually attract you. I absolutely love those Apple commercials where the PC guy and Apple guy are simply having a verbal exchange. It actually makes me want to be an Mac user...and I have never even owned an Apple computer. Yet, the commercial connects with me.

When was the last time you went to a Ryze network and read an ad that made you laugh? When was the last time you read an ad that gave you something that in some fashion enhanced your life...if only bringing a smile to your face?

Remember Mr Whiffle? He told the world "Please don't squeeze the Charmin." What did people suddenly want to do? They wanted to go to the grocery store and squeeze the Charmin bathroom tissue. Now, there are probably a lot of folks that never actually did that. However, I dare say the thought has been in every person's mind at one time or another.

Even though the commercial is no longer on the tube (the actor who played Mr. Whiffle has been dead for years), earlier this year I conducted a one-person experiment. I went to my local grocery store and squeezed the Charmin. Now, being a sophisticated individual, I needed to do this at a time when no one was in the paper aisle and could see me acting like a fool. After all, I needed to make a scientific comparison. Would there be a difference in the squeezable softness of Charmin vs. Scott bathroom tissue? I chose to squeeze the Scott tissue first and the Charmin tissue second. Well, just as I thought, there was no difference. After all, in both cases I was squeezing a plastic air bubble. But, in choosing to squeeze Charmin AFTER the Scott tissue, for a brief moment the Charmin bathroom tissue remained in my grasp. A decision needed to be made. What do I do with the tissue? Do I put it back on the shelf or simply toss it into the grocery basket? The difference in price between the two tissues in not that much. Well, it would be more trouble to put the tissue back on the shelf than it would be to simply put it into my grocery basket. Suddenly, it dawned on me that is the whole point to that silly little commercial - once I got my hands on the tissue I wouldn't put it BACK on the shelf!

What folks here who advertise on Ryze need to do is come up with truly clever ads. Then, you will likely stop seeing a zero following so many of those ad posts here on Ryze.

Lamar Morgan
Power Networking - http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=18

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901 (new win)

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