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Your most profitable marketing efforts?Views: 256
Feb 14, 2007 7:57 pm re: Your most profitable marketing efforts?

Kurt Schweitzer

Your most profitable marketing occurs when you identify WHO your target market is. What characteristics distinguish your targets from everyone else? Where do they live? How do they get their information (what magazines, newspapers, etc. do they read)? What do they really, really like? What do they hate?

What problems do your targets have that you can solve? What is their greatest fear? What do they want most - fame, comfort, recognition, love, success, etc.?

What resources do they have? Can they pay cash? How about credit cards? Do they need you to provide financing?

What are their families like? Will they be buying in bulk, or do you need to provide single serving sizes? Might their spouses, children, or pets influence their decisions?

I am asking all these questions for the simple reason that getting inside the heads of your target market is the most effective marketing strategy you can have. The more you know them, the better you can appeal to them.

If you don't know your targets, marketing is simply throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Kurt Schweitzer
Urban Village Scooters

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