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Hottest Un-Marketing TipsViews: 820
Dec 12, 2005 9:01 pmHottest Un-Marketing Tips#

Ivo Jackson

I am I.C. Jackson, newbie to Ryze, and I just absolutely LOVE this network. The concept is great, and surfing the archives is great, too. What I would like to know, however, is what are the experts' top un-marketing tips for a new/small business owner, and are there any geared toward home businesses?

Thanks a lot,

I.C. Jackson

Private Reply to Ivo Jackson

Dec 12, 2005 9:46 pmre: Hottest Un-Marketing Tips#

CK Aspinwall

Whether it's real estate, mlm or any other business, it's all the same. Meet people. Shake hands. Find out their needs. Offer to help. Ask. Ask. Ask.

For example, do you like music? If you said yes, I would ask: Have you heard about what we are doing to raise funds for the Southern Music Association?

Well, how is that for a start? As one of my mentors said: Do something!!

Ken Aspinwall

Private Reply to CK Aspinwall

Dec 12, 2005 11:12 pmre: Hottest Un-Marketing Tips#

Angelo Cerase
Become a well-known expert in your field, so when people think of your industry, they automatically think of you.

Build long-term relationships with clients and potential clients. Not everyone you meet will be in a position to become your client today, but many will sometime in the future, and many more will have friends that will need your services sometime in the future.

From my understanding, Unmarketing is positioning yourself so one day you no longer need to actively market your services because your phone is ringing off the hook with people wanting your products and services, regardless of the price.

An example I like to use is the Apple iPod. In a matter of a couple of years, the iPod has gone from someone's idea on a drawing board to the must-have product for a large part of the population. Almost 80% of all mp3 players sold are iPods. iPod owners have become huge fans, with some buying another iPod as the new ones come out.

Why do I mention a high-tech device, where the vast majority of us on this network are the service industry? Because the iPod's success is not just based on the quality of the product, but the overall customer experience.

Was the iPod the first mp3 player on the market? Nope, not by a longshot.

Does the iPod gain market share by having low prices (like Wal-mart)? Nope, iPods are probably the most expensive mp3 players out there, yet Apple can't make enough to satisfy demand. Compare this to many companies that feel they have to constantly lower their prices in order to make a sale. I'm sure every company would like to be in a situation where they are the most expensive in the market AND still have the vast majority of market share.

How is the iPod so successful, while several of its competitors have gone out of business? Apple has made sure the entire customer experience works, while some companies just make a decent little product and ignore everything else. Even the packaging of the iPod works. Other companies use some cheap plastic packaging. The bundled software that comes with the iPod works beautifully, and looks great as well, unlike some basic little software that comes with mp3 players of other brands. Why do other companies not bother? Well, people find out that the software bundled with their mp3 player is junk AFTER it has been purchased. The company already made the sale! While Apple makes sure that the customer has a good experience AFTER the sale, to ensure repeat sales in the future AND word of mouth advertising to their friends.

Has that paid off for Apple? Yup, Apple has leveraged the success of the iPod to further improve the iPod lineup, and has created a new line of business out of it, namely an online music store. By looking at the overall customer experience the iPod (and the spinoff business that it has created for Apple) has become the industry standard, and Apple is making money hand over fist.

Unmarketing is a long-term exercise. Make sure you take care of your clients and potential clients before, during, and after the sale, and eventually they will find you, instead of you trying to find them.


Private Reply to Angelo Cerase

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