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Un-nerving un-marketing.Views: 1004
Oct 10, 2005 4:19 amUn-nerving un-marketing.#

Hi Folks,

As part of the marketing campaign for my online coaching/writing business, I decided to try something unusual:My blog and I are undergoing a very public, extreme makeover. The "Blog Squad" (i.e., Internet experts Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman) are doing the honors.

Nearly three weeks into the one-month makeover, I'm learning a lot, making changes, and feeling slightly un-nerved by the process! I figure as long as I'm already un-nerved, I might as well take in as many constructive criticisms and suggestions for the blog as I can handle.

If you look at the blog and have ideas for increasing traffic, and keeping it coming, I'm primed...

Thanks in advance!


Private Reply to anniesmartatlove

Oct 10, 2005 5:55 pmre: Un-nerving un-marketing.#

DR ~
Hi Annie.

I'm new to this forum.

I will look at your blog and get back with you.

D.R. Bennett

Private Reply to DR ~

Oct 14, 2005 5:11 pmre: Un-nerving un-marketing.#

Yvette Dubel
Hi Annie,

I think you have a blog makeover you can be proud of...Although I didn't see the previous version I can say that it now seems very targeted to the audience you want to reach.

Please don't take these questions as criticisms, they simply came up as I was reading some of your posts.
Are you happy with the results and what was your goal with the revamp...more clients, more traffic or more subscribers?
Do you mind sharing how extensive your niche strategy campaign reaches? By that I mean is your internet campaign linked to anything else beyond SEO content?

I know this is my first post, but I hope you don't mind all the questions, but I love to learn. I wish you much success!

All the best,
"Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses - especially learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else."
-Leonardo DaVinci

Private Reply to Yvette Dubel

Oct 17, 2005 2:23 amre: Un-nerving un-marketing.#

Karri Flatla
Hi Annie,

I found the look of the blog overall to be very pleasing to the eye. If I was single this blog would certainly grab my attention. It's feminine without being sugar-y. The quirky retro feel is fabulous. As are the topics.

The banner at the top is great too but the fonts are tough to read. Perhaps your squad can clean that up a little or use slightly cleaner fonts.

Bold a few things in your text perhaps just to grab surfer's attention. Also, would it be possible to widen your center column a bit so that visitors don't have to scroll quite as often to read your artticles?

Keep doing what you are doing!

All the best,
Karri Flatla, B.Mgt.
snap! virtual assistance inc.
Don't just outsource. Outsmart.

Private Reply to Karri Flatla

Oct 17, 2005 6:12 amre: re: Un-nerving un-marketing.#

DR ~
I've used this technique on my own website.

At first I thought it was way too wide,
but found that the reader does not need to scroll down as much.

Just my two cents worth ~

Here is an example: http://www.angelfire.com/goth2/drbennett/illusion.html

Private Reply to DR ~

Oct 18, 2005 12:48 amre: re: Un-nerving un-marketing.#

Hi Yvette,

Thanks for taking the time to give me some feedback!

I'm pleased that you think the "made-over" version of my blog is targeting the audience I want to reach. And, that would be women, mainly in their 30s on up, who are ready to try something different in love.

So far, I'm happy with the results of the makover. What I wanted was to attract new readers to the blog, and then learn ways to keep loyal readers coming back. There's been a significant increase in traffic, which I'll work hard now to grow. Secondarily, I hope to brings in new clients.

As for SEO, honestly I have to say my writing has been more about attracting the readers directly than attracting search engines. I do think a bit about SEO when I pick posting and category titles. Really, my larger strategy is more "personal branding" than strict SEO.

I'm getting readers to decide they want to visit my blog because they've found my writing elsewhere on the Internet, or found the blog/URL well-described in a directory, or met me somewhere else on an Internet forum.

I wish you success, too, Yvette!

Thanks again,

Private Reply to anniesmartatlove

Oct 18, 2005 12:56 amre: re: Un-nerving un-marketing.#

Hi, Karri.

Thanks for your kind words and suggestions!

I've wondered how those fonts in the banner might render for some readers. They look pretty clear on my screen to me, but I will definitely consider making a change.

And, I think you are so right-on about bolding things occasionally in the text. I've been wondering how to make things stand out a bit.

And yes, that center column really needs to get wider!

Thanks again,

Private Reply to anniesmartatlove

Oct 18, 2005 4:15 pmre: re: re: Un-nerving un-marketing.#


Thanks for your two cents' worth! I do need to make that column easier to read.


Private Reply to anniesmartatlove

Oct 19, 2005 6:05 amre: re: re: re: Un-nerving un-marketing.#

DR ~
Your'e welcome Annie.

My web editor automatically puts the text in Wide format.
Sometimes, I don't like it that way because your eyes have to scan all the way across the page, then back to the beginning of the sentence on the left side.

It's easy to get lost while reading.

So...I found a solution:

Less text, more content ~

People want things that are cut and dry.

D.R. Bennett
Spiritual Guru

Private Reply to DR ~

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