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marketing golf vacationsViews: 786
Jan 06, 2006 11:26 pmmarketing golf vacations#

sherry woodhouse
Hi guys! Happy New Year!

For this year I want to market golf vacations. We are near 5 golf courses so I thought we would take advantage of that and plan trips that include lodging and golf. Needless to say I am looking for marketing ideas - especially from you golfers out there. It won't be a particularly inexpensive trip since the golf courses are expensive so we will need to target a more middle to upmarket crowd. Any ideas?



Private Reply to sherry woodhouse

Jan 08, 2006 5:05 amre: marketing golf vacations#

Mitchell Allen
Hi Sherry, Since I know nothing about golfing, these ideas may make no sense:
  • Grand Prix Vacation - Get some local businesses to sponsor a tournament. Golfers would pay only for their accomodations. Five courses, one a day. Best scores take home trophies. (The sponsors pay the greens fees in return for publicity.)
  • Celebrity Golf Camp - If you can make a deal with a golfing celebrity (read: pay her lots of money), you could charge a premium over your regular vacation. Golfers would have the opportunity to participate in a three-day mini-camp.
  • Variations on Golf Camp - if the celebrity is too expensive for three days, have her make an appearance on the last day. Or forget the celebrity; have a nonentity Golf Camp, conducted by the local teachers.
  • Golf for the Gulf - Charity event. Charge a premium, make sure that the vacationers understand that a portion goes to help the Katrina Survivors. Again, with sponsors, this could be paid out of their advertising fees.
  • Essay Contest - based on those "buy a house for $100", you could advertise a written contest with an entry fee. Get a legitimate independent firm to judge the entries based on your criteria. First Prize: all-expense paid week at the golf resort. Some other prizes might be a nice set of golf clubs, a coupon for greens fees at the resort, etc. Sponsors? If not, make sure you indicate that the contest requires a certain number of entries. There may be laws limiting the number of entries that you can accept (like they do for houses.) Is this even legal?

I like thinking up stuff, but I would appreciate any feedback if these ideas are off-base.


Kansas Modem - Madness Amok

Private Reply to Mitchell Allen

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