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On Creating A Simultaneous BuzzViews: 864
Jan 18, 2006 8:17 amOn Creating A Simultaneous Buzz#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

If you visit PR-related websits, you often see a lot of press releases that really are written to focus on two companies rather than just one. Why do you suppose that is? Well, it might be "by design" rather than just a happy accident. Certainly two companies promoting a press release's distribution is going to be a lot more exposure than just one company. Indeed, one press release is being used to create a buzz for two companies rather than just one.

Well, what works to create a simulaneous buzz in the press release world also works with those pass-along cards, too. Just place three cards upright in a small security envelope and mail to three people who know each other and work for the same company. See if that does not create a buzz for both your business and your local business mixer.

I am using this technique to increase the popularity of the business mixers I coordinate out here in Nothern California. I think if pass-along cards can work successfully out here in California's Quiet Wine County, they can work most anywhere.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Jan 19, 2006 1:19 amre: On Creating A Simultaneous Buzz#

Gary Dale Cearley

I appreciate your comments about writing press releases with two companies in mind. I found out indpendently, through my own practice, that you are very correct. I almost always use at least two companies when making press releases and almost never make the headline the real target of my release. I find that it does get more attention from the press.

I generally make the headline something that would interest as many possible people within a certain target market. If my client company is not currently involved in something necessarily "newsworthy", then reactions to current events or situations are almost always good because editors and journalist need these. The second or even third voices are really good because the voices all legitimize one another. The main thing to worry about is to write the release in such a way that the client company is still seen as the "prime mover" and the focus of the release. But when that is done correctly, this is a very effective method I have found.

Another thing that I do to increase the exposure when using two or more companies in the press release is what I call a "pass it on" release. When I make the release I give it to the other quoted parties in the release with a list of who in the media I have already sent this release to. I tell them that as long as they don't change the text of the release or send it to media outlet that I have already sent it, they can also use the release to promote their business and send the release to any media they might also know who was not covered by my distribution. I don't care if they change the headlines or summary lines because editors will almost always change these first, even if they print the text word for word.

By doing this you build good relationships with the people who participated in the press release with you and you get your release out to a wider audience. I do have one very important caution: Only let the others use the release if you know they will not abuse the priviledge and that they will follow your restrictions / guidelines. If the people are trustworthy it is a win-win-win situation. If they are not and they change the text of the release, then they can ruin your image. One way around it is to pass them the release in PDF format, but most journalists don't like to receive anything but word because they can copy it immediately.

If anyone would like a sample copy of how I am writing these type press releases, please contact me on my business e-mail address:


I am always happy to help and always happy for the feedback and tips I get in return.

Best regards,

Gary Dale Cearley

Private Reply to Gary Dale Cearley

Jan 19, 2006 8:03 pmre: re: On Creating A Simultaneous Buzz#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Those are great ideas. I look forward to putting them into action.

Have you ever linked an online press release to a front-pgae news story in a online newspaper to a direct-mail marketing campaign and benefited from the synergy that created? If not, you might want to give that a try. GetLocalNews.com will allow you to publish front-page news stories complete with photos in the target market (i.e. zipcode)of your choice.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Jan 21, 2006 7:20 amre: re: re: On Creating A Simultaneous Buzz#

Gary Dale Cearley

This local news website is a great one if you are looking at focusing on one area. I unfortunately am almost never focused geographically, but rather on an industry so I have to go for industry publications and business journals.

One short coming on the local news site is that if you want to broadcast to more than one city / county, you have to open an account for each. It is great though if you have only one market focus even if that market is as small as a single neighborhood!

Best regards,

Gary Dale

Private Reply to Gary Dale Cearley

Jan 24, 2006 6:32 amre: re: re: re: On Creating A Simultaneous Buzz#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


If you are referring to how GetLocalNews.com works, I do not think there is a way to input an article by industry. But, I could be mistaken. I do know you are not limited to just one zipcode per posting. You can get one article distributed county-wide or statewide. You can actually set the radius a single article reaches. In addition, you can sponsor the page on which you article appears with your own jpeg advertisement. Click on the jpeg and the reader is transported to your website. That's a nice touch.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Jan 25, 2006 12:12 pmre: re: re: re: re: On Creating A Simultaneous Buzz#

Gary Dale Cearley

If you are correct then this is my own fault for not figuring out how to use the system. I put my foot into it again...

Gary Dale

Private Reply to Gary Dale Cearley

Jan 26, 2006 4:23 amre: re: re: re: re: re: On Creating A Simultaneous Buzz#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


What's neat to do is to connect an article you wrote on GetLocalNews.com to a press relase on PRWeb.com and have both included in a direct-mail piece sent to three people who know each other. Include two of the three people in each mailer via a marketing memo.

I encourage you to give it a shot and see what happens.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

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